Seismic data processing and imaging services are available worldwide from a base in Haddington, east of Edinburgh, Scotland. We provide 2-D and 3-D time and 2-D depth seismic data processing services to the exploration industry. We employ highly flexible Linux workstations utilizing the 2-D and 3-D FOCUS/ECHOS and GeoDepth seismic data processing software packages. These fully integrated seismic data processing and imaging products will increase the value of your next seismic exploration project. We provide a flexible alternative to other larger service providers.

We promote the use of technically advanced work-flows to help solve your geophysical problems and integrate client based information into our processing projects.
The most recently processed 300Km2 3-D land survey was acquired with dynamite and vibroseis sources from onshore Morocco. The recommended field source test comparisons proved vital in handling the merging of these data.
We hope the client continues with their excellent drilling success.

The company is built on over forty-five years of world-wide experience in seismic data processing techniques.

We are working for the exploration industry providing a flexible individual service whilst maintaining a professional adherence to good geophysical processing practice. The successful completion of several major projects will give you confidence that seismic data from your next exploration survey will be in safe hands.
We are also experienced in 3-D survey merging and 3D rotation projects.